Gorka, Wiktor | 1978 | Sun of the Hyenas


This super cute 1978 poster by the absolutely legendary Polish poster artist Wiktor Gorka is in pristine condition. He designed it for the Tunisian/Netherlands film production directed by Ridh Bodi.

Polish A1 size: 56.5 x 80 cm

Condition: pristine!


This super cute 1978 poster by the absolutely legendary Polish poster artist Wiktor Gorka is in pristine condition. He designed it for the Tunisian/Netherlands film production directed by Ridh Bodi.

Polish A1 size: 56.5 x 80 cm

Condition: pristine!

This super cute 1978 poster by the absolutely legendary Polish poster artist Wiktor Gorka is in pristine condition. He designed it for the Tunisian/Netherlands film production directed by Ridh Bodi.

Polish A1 size: 56.5 x 80 cm

Condition: pristine!

Socha, Romuald | 1977 | Godzilla vs Gargun
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Krzysztoforski, Andrzej | 1979 | Circus Two Bears on Ball
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Bodnar, Hanna | 1977 | Reksio the Grower
Mikke, Anna | 1978 | Treasure Island
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Lipinski, Eryk | 1972 | Grubasek